Buying a Home A Real Estate Agent Helps Take the Fear Out of the Market Do negative headlines and talk on social media have you feeling worried about the housing market? Maybe you’ve even seen or heard something lately that scares you and makes you wonder if you should still buy or sell a home right now. Regrettably, when news in the media isn’t easy to understand, it can make […]
Buying a Home Why Home Prices Keep Going Up   If you’ve ever dreamed of buying your own place or selling your current house to upgrade, you’re no stranger to the rollercoaster of emotions that changing home prices can stir up. It’s a tale of financial goals, doubts, and a dash of anxiety that many have been through. But if you put off moving because […]
Selling a Home Are Grandparents Moving To Be Closer to Their Grandkids? During the pandemic, many people distanced themselves from their loved ones for health reasons. Grandparents were told to stay away from their grandkids, especially as schools started to open. That’s because it would have been risky to visit with their grandchildren who may have gotten sick from school. Now that the pandemic has passed, many grandparents want […]
Selling a Home Key Skills You Need Your Listing Agent To Have Selling your house is a big decision. And that can make it feel both exciting and a little bit nerve-wracking. However the key to a successful sale is finding the perfect listing agent to work with you throughout the process. A listing agent, also known as a seller’s agent, helps market and sell your house while […]
Selling a Home Why Your House Didn’t Sell If your listing expired and your house didn’t sell, you’re likely feeling a little frustrated. Not to mention, you’re also probably wondering what went wrong. Here are three questions to think about as you figure out what to do next. Did You Limit Access to Your House? One of the biggest mistakes you can make when selling […]
Selling a Home Planning to Retire? Your Equity Can Help You Make a Move Retiring is a significant milestone in life, bringing with it a lot of change and new opportunities. As the door to this exciting chapter opens, one thing you may be considering is selling your house and finding a home better suited for your evolving needs. Fortunately, you may be in a better position to make a move […]
Selling a Home Your Home Equity Can Offset Affordability Challenges Are you thinking about selling your house? If so, today’s mortgage rates may be making you wonder if that’s the right decision. Some homeowners are reluctant to sell and take on a higher mortgage rate on their next home. If you’re worried about this too, know that even though rates are high right now, so is home equity. Here’s […]
Selling a Home Why It’s Still a Seller’s Market Today Even though activity in the housing market has slowed from the frenzy that was the ‘unicorn’ years, it’s still a seller’s market because the supply of homes for sale is so low. But what does that really mean for you? And why are conditions today so good if you want to sell your house? The latest Existing Home Sales Report from […]
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Buying a Home Leverage Your Equity When You Sell Your House One of the benefits of being a homeowner is that you build equity over time. That equity can be used toward purchasing your next home by selling your house. But before you can put it to use, you should understand exactly what equity is and how it grows. Bankrate explains it like this: “Home equity is the portion […]
Buying a Home Why You Need a True Expert in Today’s Housing Market The housing market continues to shift and change, and in a fast-moving landscape like we’re in right now, it’s more important than ever to have a trusted real estate agent on your side. Whether you’re buying your first home or selling once again, it’s mission-critical to work with an expert who can guide you through each […]
Selling a Home About 11,000 Houses Will Sell Today Some homeowners have been waiting for months to put their houses on the market because they don’t think people are buying homes right now. If that’s you, know that even though the housing market has slowed compared to the frenzy of a couple of years ago, it isn’t at a standstill. Contrary to what you may believe, buyers are still active […]
Buying a Home Sellers: Don’t Let These Two Things Hold You Back Many homeowners thinking about selling have two key things holding them back. That’s feeling locked in by today’s higher mortgage rates and worrying they won’t be able to find something to buy while supply is so low. Let’s dive into each challenge and give you some helpful advice on how to overcome these obstacles. Challenge #1: The […]
Selling a Home Pricing Your House Right Still Matters Today While this isn’t the frenzied market we saw during the ‘unicorn’ years, homes that are priced right are still selling quickly and seeing multiple offers right now. That’s because the number of homes for sale is still so low. Data from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) shows 76% of homes sold within a month and the average saw 3.5 offers in […]
Buying a Home Foreclosure Numbers Today Aren’t Like 2008 If you’ve been keeping up with the news lately, you’ve probably come across headlines talking about the increase in foreclosures in today’s housing market. This may have left you with some uncertainty, especially if you’re considering buying a home. It’s important to understand the context of these reports to know the truth about what’s happening today. […]
Buying a Home Oops! Home Prices Didn’t Crash After All During the fourth quarter of last year, many housing experts predicted home prices were going to crash this year. Here are a few of those forecasts: Jeremy Siegel, Russell E. Palmer Professor Emeritus of Finance at the Wharton School of Business: “I expect housing prices fall 10% to 15%, and the housing prices are accelerating on the […]
Buying a Home Keys to Success for First-Time Homebuyers Buying your first home is an exciting decision and a major milestone that has the power to change your life for the better. As a first-time homebuyer, it’s a vision you can bring to life, but, as the National Association of Realtors (NAR) shares, you’ll have to overcome some factors that have made it more […]
Selling a Home The Benefits of Selling Now, According to Experts If you’re trying to decide if now’s the time to sell your house, here’s what you should know. The limited number of homes available right now gives you a big advantage. That’s because there are more buyers out there than there are homes for sale. And, with so few homes on the market, buyers will have fewer options, so you set […]
Buying a Home Owning a Home Helps Protect Against Inflation You’re probably feeling the impact of high inflation every day as prices have gone up on groceries, gas, and more. If you’re a renter, you’re likely experiencing it a lot as your rent continues to rise. Between all of those elevated costs and uncertainty about a potential recession, you may be wondering if it still makes sense […]
Buying a Home Why Buyers Need an Expert Agent by Their Side The process of buying a home can feel a bit intimidating, even under normal circumstances. But today’s market is still anything but normal. There continues to be a very limited number of homes for sale, and that’s creating bidding wars and driving home prices back up as buyers compete over the available homes. Navigating all of this can be daunting […]
Selling a Home Powerful Job Market Fuels Homebuyer Demand The spring housing market has been surprisingly active this year. Even with affordability challenges and a limited number of homes for sale, buyer demand is strong and getting stronger. One way we know there are interested buyers right now is because showing traffic is up. Data from the latest ShowingTime Showing Index, which is a measure of buyers actively touring homes, […]