Selling a Home Where Will You Go After You Sell?   If you’re planning to sell your house and move, you probably know there’s been a shortage of options available. But here’s the good news: the supply of homes for sale has grown in a lot of markets this year – and that’s not just existing, or previously-owned, homes. It’s true for newly built homes too. So how do […]
Buying a Home How To Determine if You’re Ready To Buy a Home If you’re trying to decide if you’re ready to buy a home, there’s probably a lot on your mind. You’re thinking about your finances, today’s mortgage rates and home prices, the limited supply of homes for sale, and more. And, you’re juggling how all of those things will impact the choice you’ll make. While housing market conditions are definitely a factor in your decision, your own personal […]
Buying a Home Do Elections Impact the Housing Market? The 2024 Presidential election is just months away. As someone who’s thinking about potentially buying or selling a home, you’re probably curious about what effect, if any, elections have on the housing market. It’s a great question because buying or selling a home is a major decision, and it’s natural to wonder how such a major event might impact your plans. Historically, Presidential […]
Buying a Home Homebuilders Aren’t Overbuilding, They’re Catching Up You may have heard that there are more brand-new homes available right now than the norm. Today, about one in three homes on the market are newly built. And if you’re wondering what that means for the housing market and for your own move, here’s what you need to know. Why This Isn’t Like 2008 People remember what happened to […]
Selling a Home Thinking of Selling? You Want an Agent with These Skills Selling your house is a big decision. Your home is one of the biggest investments you’ve probably ever made, and it’s a place where you’ve created countless memories. That combo means there’s going to be a lot of emotions involved. You want someone who understands your perspective, knows what it feels like, and is an expert at […]
Selling a Home What’s Motivating Your Move? Thinking about selling your house? As you make your decision, consider what’s pushing you to think about moving. A recent survey from looked into why people want to sell their homes this year. Here are the top two reasons (see graphic below): Let’s take a closer look and see if they’re motivating you to make a change too. 1. […]
Buying a Home Is It Easier To Find a Home To Buy Now? One of the biggest hurdles buyers have faced over the past few years has been a lack of homes available for sale. But that’s starting to change. The graph below uses the latest data from to show there are more homes on the market in 2024 than there have been in any of the past several […]
Selling a Home Why Today’s Housing Supply Is a Sweet Spot for Sellers Wondering if it still makes sense to sell your house right now? The short answer is, yes. And if you look at the current number of homes for sale, you’ll see two reasons why. An article from Calculated Risk shows there are 15.6% more homes for sale now compared to the same week last year. That tells us inventory […]
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Selling a Home It’s Time To Prepare Your House for a Spring Listing If you’re thinking of selling your house this spring, now is the perfect time to start getting it ready. With the market gearing up for its busiest time of year, it’ll be important to make sure your house shines bright among the competition. Here are some valuable tips you can use to get your house market-ready. Declutter and Organize First […]
Market Trends Will a Silver Tsunami Change the 2024 Housing Market? Have you ever heard the term “Silver Tsunami” and wondered what it’s all about? If so, that might be because there’s been lot of talk about it online recently. Let’s dive into what it is and why it won’t drastically impact the housing market. What Does Silver Tsunami Mean? A recent article from HousingWire calls it: “. . . […]
Selling a Home 3 Must-Do’s When Selling Your House in 2024 If one of the goals on your list is selling your house and making a move this year, you’re likely juggling a mix of excitement about what’s ahead and feeling a little sentimental about your current home. A great way to balance those emotions and make sure you’re confident in your decision is to keep these three best practices […]
Selling a Home Why You May Want To Seriously Consider a Newly Built Home Are you putting off your plans to sell because you’re worried you won’t be able to find a home you like when you move? If so, it may be time to consider a newly built home and the benefits that come with one. Here’s why. Near-Record Percentage of New Home Inventory Newly built homes are becoming an […]
Buying a Home Ways Your Home Equity Can Help You Reach Your Goals   If you’ve owned your house for at least a couple of years, there’s something you’re going to want to know more about – and that’s home equity. If you’re not familiar with that term, Freddie Mac defines it like this: “. . . your home’s equity is the difference between how much your home is worth and how much […]
Buying a Home 3 Keys To Hitting Your Homeownership Goals in 2024 If buying or selling a home is your goal for 2024, it’s important to understand today’s housing market, know your why, and work with industry experts to bring your homeownership vision for the new year into focus. Over the last year, the economy had a big impact on the housing market, and likely on your wallet too. That’s why […]
Buying a Home These Non-Financial Benefits Turn a House into a Happy Home   There’s no denying the long-term financial benefits of owning a home, but today’s housing market may have you wondering if now’s still the time to buy. While the financial aspects of homeownership are important, the non-financial and emotional reasons are too. Here’s why. The word home truly means something different to everyone. Whether it’s sharing memories with loved ones around the kitchen […]
Selling a Home Why Now Is Still a Great Time To Sell Your House If you were worried buyer demand disappeared when mortgage rates went up, the data shows there are plenty of interested buyers still out there. The housing market isn’t as frenzied as it was during the ‘unicorn’ years when buyer demand was through the roof, mortgage rates were historically low, and home values rose like we’ve never seen before. But that doesn’t mean the […]
Buying a Home Why You Should Use a Real Estate Agent When You Buy a Home If you’ve recently decided you’re ready to become a homeowner, chances are you’re trying to figure out what to do first. Knowing where to start can feel overwhelming, but the good news is you don’t have to navigate all of that alone. When it comes to buying a home, there are a lot of moving pieces. […]
Selling a Home When You Sell Your House, Where Do You Plan To Go? If you’re thinking about selling your house, you may have heard the supply of homes for sale is still low, and that means your house should stand out to buyers who are craving more options. But you may also be wondering, once you sell, how does the current supply impact your own move? And, will you be able […]
Selling a Home Is Your House the Top Thing on a Buyer’s Wish List this Holiday Season? This time every year, homeowners who are planning to move have a decision to make: sell now or wait until after the holidays. Some sellers with homes already on the market may even remove their listing until the new year. But the truth is, many buyers want to purchase a home for the holidays, and your house […]
Market Trends Why pricey Florida home insurance premiums may come down   ORLANDO, FL — Kirsten Roo Klaers has lived in her South Orange County home for 30 years and loves her neighbors and the surrounding community, but like so many Florida homeowners, she’s had her fair share of challenges insuring her house. “I got this notice, what do you mean you’re canceling me? My roof […]